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The Exploited OMIXLH Live @Gagarin 205 LIve Music Space 13-4-23

Thursday 13th of April 2023 The Exploited played at Athens at Gagarin Live Music Space with the old Greek street punk band OMIXLH  

I was there early and had the chance thanks to my good friend Nasis and the promoters Punk 'n' Loud to watch the soundcheck of the bands and have a few words with Wattie the heart of The Exploited.From the soundcheck i understood that it was going to be a smashing gig from both of the bands.

Wattie and the rest of the band The Exploited Robert Halkett Stevie Cannibal and Jo Oom (Disturbance) were very excited to play in front of the Greek fans that are one of the most warm and dynamic all over the world.

Wattie told me a few words before and first he answered my question:Are Punks Dead like many people say nowadays? Punks Not Dead as long we have governments and politicians corrupted and not care for the working class Punk comes from the working class and the oppressed people.If they weren't people who believe there will be no punk,And for that Wattie wants to thank all Greek fans and the fans all over the world for their support to the band 

For the end Wattie has a message to all:Every day is a new day,live for the day and be happy and of course watch and listen to The Exploited.I want to thank him and the rest of the band for the warm welcome and the talks that we had 

Thanks N for the photo


On the music part now OMIXLH came on stage around 2125
and they were smashing and furious with fast melodic riffs and strong lyrics about politics,governments,police and life.The band exists since 1995 and they have all the fans dancing and singing at their gigs.They had a fantastic vivid performance and prepared the crowd for the upcoming chaos.

I want to thank all the guys from the band for the warm welcome and the talks we had before the gig.


                                 OMIXLH SETLIST


 AROUND 22.25 The Exploited came on stage and made the crowd of the packed club jumping and screaming.The band began to play and Wattie jumped on the stage screaming to the people.

START A WAR and the place set on fire.ALL the time of the gig the band was like a hurricane taking us all in a crazy rhythm and dance.Jo was firing flames on his drums Stevie was magestic with his guitar and backing vocals and Robert was as usual fantastic with his magnificent and crazy bass playing and his great backing vocals.They played all the historic songs of the band Dogs of war  Alternative Troops of tomorrow Beat the bastards Army Life F@CK the USA Punks not dead and four songs before the ending they took us on stage to singalong Sex And Violence.  Wattie   had enormous energy and hasn't stop jumping and screaming and talking all the time of the gig thanking with his way the fans who love him

After that Disorder, Was It Me  And the fantastic song for closure Don't forget the Chaos

                                   The Exploited    


                                 The Exploited Setlist

Many thanks for their help to all the friends who work at the Gagarin and at Punk 'n' Loud and to Stefano for his nice words and the pass that gave me .Also to Nasis , The Exploited and OMIXLH 

                                              Nikos Apatsi

 Don't forget Dimitris and Grigoris at the sound who did a great job  

video by Gina

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